We had snow and ice the night before Emsleigh's party,
so we were glad our family was able to be there.
A special to thanks to Mema and Grancy who helped
make Emsleigh's party a huge success!

Emsleigh was excited about all her friends who were
able to attend!

We had fun decorating cupcakes and making picture frames
out of fun foam.
There was also an
"How well do you know Emsleigh Quiz"
How many states has Emsleigh been in?
What does "Emsleigh" mean?
How many teeth does Emsleigh have?
How many months old was Emsleigh when she was able to roll over?
What is Emsleigh's middle name?
How many months old was Emsleigh when she began
sleeping through the night?
What is Emsleigh's bedtime?
How many plane trips has Emsleigh taken? (one-way is one trip)
What time was Emsleigh born?
The picture below shows pictures we put up so
people could match the pictures with her age.
The candle below is the same candle I had when I turned one!
This is as messy as she got.