Monday, April 29, 2013

Haddon Lloyd Bradford

Haddon was born Thursday, April 18 at 11:06 a.m. He weighed 8lbs, 10oz and was 20 inches long. I went into labor Wednesday and we were at the hospital by 1 a.m. My labors have never been easy and Haddon followed in his sisters footsteps. However, by God's grace we had another successful VBAC! Due to the complications in my delivery and complicated birth history, Haddon was in the nicu to take antibiotics for 48 hours. It was mainly precautionary and he is doing great! God answered our prayers- my doctor delivered Haddon, we had incredible nurses and so much more. 

Haddon comes from the great author and preacher Charles Haddon Spurgeon. We are inspired by him and his wife, Susannah's, faithfulness in pastoring and ministering to the people of London so long ago.  Lloyd is a special family name for both of us. 

Big sisters have been helpful and so loving to their little brother.