March is a difficult month for me. The anniversaries of Miriam's birth, week of life, death and my dad's death all fall within 12 days. This year I have thought often of God's great providence in Emsleigh's birthday. Right in the middle of those 12 days Emsleigh was born. And she surely is the meaning of her name....a gift from God.
We celebrated her birthday morning with waffles, strawberries and blueberries....some of her favorite foods.
Yes, I could not find the 2 candle I bought her, so we used a tea light :)!
Emsleigh opened presents. Here we are looking through The Big Picture Story Bible we got her. As you can see, we were very intrigued by some of the pictures.
Emsleigh got a package from Mimi. Our tradition with packages from Mimi is to pull out all the packing peanuts and play in them for the day!

Emsleigh loved reading her birthday cards.
She also loved Cooper the interactive bear! Thank you Mimi!
The new dress from Grancy could not go unworn.
We finished the day with an ice cream cone and
youtube videos with Grancy :)! Baby Beluga by Raffi is Emsleigh's favorite (it was mine too as a kid, except we had to watch it on vhs and not wireless internet!!).