The month of March brings a wide span of emotions for me. Even though it is different being in Arizona during this time the emotions, feelings and the reality is no different. She is not here. Every year brings about its unique reaction or perspective. This year, for me, the Lord has really used certain people to help bring me through a difficult month. I am so thankful for those, despite time or distance, who think of Miriam. The phone calls, messages and notes reminding me that they have not forgotten our precious Miriam or our pain in losing her has brought me great comfort. And those thoughtful people who remember with us has grown with new friends here is Arizona. What comfort that support and love has brought. One of our most thoughtful friends, Rhonda Lambert, cleaned and refreshed Miriam's grave for her birthday.

"Those who would glorify their God must expect to encounter many trials. No one can be esteemed before the Lord without many conflicts. If, then, your path is marked with many trials, rejoice in it because your life will provide greater evidence of the all-sufficient grace of God....The God who has been sufficient until now, should be trusted to the end." Charles Spurgeon.
I pray God would continue to use our trials and suffering for His glory!