Saturday, August 14, 2010

Cuppies and Joe

Megan and Elizabeth, friends from OBU, have opened up the most delightful place called Cuppies and Joe. They serve gourmet cupcakes and coffee. We made a stop there while we were in OKC. Mike was determined to let Emsleigh taste the goodness of the Sass-a-frass cupake!

Ems took a little while to warm-up to the idea.

But once she finally tried it, she was pointing and asking for more, more, more please.
(Thus the reason I try to keep sweets out of sight on a daily basis!)

If you are ever in OKC, Cuppies and Joe should be top on the list of places to visit. Below is Megan and Elizabeth who provide the yummy goodness and Mike, probably their most regular of their regulars.