Friday, October 22, 2010

A trip to Texas

Emsleigh and I got to spend some time in Texas with my family. It was a much needed break for me and much needed time with my family. Those of you who live close to your families...please treasure every minute! Anyway, Emsleigh stayed with my mom while I got to attend a True Women conference with my dear friend Alora. The conference was great and so was Emsleigh's time with my mom.

My mom found an outfit my Mimi made for me. Mimi made the Raggedy Ann and Andy dolls along with the outfit to match.

Emsleigh and I spent our lunches with Grancy at her school. Emsleigh loved the children. She was quick to tell them what the "A" says and the sound a dog makes. After hearing all her tricks, one little boy said, "WOW, she is smarter than me!"

Emsleigh also had lots of fun playing with Uncle Lynden and Aunt Jennifer!