Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Holy Week

Thanks to the creative mind, Veronica Stringer, I was able to make this Easter calendar. It is not an exact replica of hers, since my skills lack in sewing but I am thankful for her ideas.
Each day leading up to Easter, we take a piece off the calendar and read and discuss it what the piece symbolizes.

On Good Friday, this is what the calendar will look like. You can't really tell from the picture but that is supposed to be a stone for the tomb.

We won't take down or put anything up on Saturday. I chose to do that to help us relate with the disciples and how they felt, probably helpless or hopeless not being able to do anything. Then on Easter morning we will flip over the stone to "He is Risen." The Monday and Tuesday following Easter we will talk about the Great Commission using the world piece and the hope we have of heaven as symbolized by the Tree of Life.