Wednesday, May 25, 2011

We Did It!!

Jeremiah and I graduated from Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary on Saturday, May 21. Jeremiah received his second masters...this one being a Masters of Arts in Biblical Languages. I completed my Masters of Arts in Counseling. It was a very exciting day for us both!

The day would not have been complete without my Mimi, Mother and In-laws there!

We were also blessed to have some of our dearest friends from church celebrate with us. We could not have completed these degrees without all the support, encouragement and help from them!

This was one of my most favorite moments of the day. I got in the back of the van with Emsleigh after the ceremony. She hugged me over and over again and just said 'oh mama.' I took it as her way of telling me she was proud.

A good family picture was impossible after a two hour ceremony completing at lunch/nap time. So this is as good as it got.

I could not have completed my degree without the sacrifice and support of my husband. His diligence in studying inspired me, his kind words always encouraged me and his vast knowledge helped me!! I am so very thankful to him and pray that all that I have learned in obtaining this degree will help him in many ways as we serve together.