Sunday, June 19, 2011

Ci Ci for the summer

Emsleigh hasn't gotten her "G" or "Gr" sounds down yet. But she has gotten "Cici" from Grancy. My mom made the LONG, DULL drive from Texas last week. We are glad she is here and I have especially enjoyed the help.

Emsleigh took Grancy's glasses while reading one day. She thinks it is so funny to wear them.

It is good to know she will be as cute as ever if she turns out to have eyes like her father's!

As seen below, my daughter sometimes still thinks she is in the Missouri winter weather. I had to hide her footie pajamas cause she only wanted to wear them and was drenched in sweat every time she woke up!

P.S. Emsleigh busted out two full sentences today. "Mama, hold my hand please." and "Cici, are you ready?" I love hearing her language develop!