Tuesday, July 5, 2011

A little bit about Emsleigh

First of all, she loves her sister!!!

She loves to hold baby KK.

She is a little copycat these days. It is really funny to hear her repeat things that we say, especially if one of us is telling an animated story. She is watching our every move. It is a very sobering thing for me! Here she is with Grancy's curlers in her hair.

She likes playing outside when we get the chance!

Emsleigh loves going to "my pool."

especially if it is with Abby.

Emsleigh loves a treat, which is anything sweet in our house. She also likes to dress herself. Here she is with her "pink treat" and an outfit she put together!

Ems is learning more and more everyday. Her vocabulary is growing by leaps and bounds. She describes things by color. Always talking about the "purple one" or "pink one." Whatever that might be. Instead of saying the other one, she says the "two one." Here she is at the library, one of our new favorite places.

Emsleigh is such a funny girl. Always making us laugh!

She loves to wear sunglasses and refuses to wear them the right side up!