The story of Jesus' birth has been very exciting for Emsleigh. She has been asking to go to Bethlehem to see Baby Jesus. She also told me that she loved Mary and Joseph. And my favorite was when she told me "I want to see Jesus, it will make me happy!" I agreed. We visited a home that had this nativity scene. The picture is so dark, but you can somewhat see the excitement on Emsleigh's face to see Baby Jesus. She asked to have a picture by him.
And Mary.
And the shepherd.
We visited the Phoenix Zoo Lights with a group from church. We enjoyed the lights and watching our friend, Ralissa, perform with her sign language class.
And Tucson Zoo Lights also made our calendar! Thai food and the zoo is becoming a family favorite outing with the Whites :)!
Kesed loves the Mobi. She loves throwing her head back and looking at everything from upside down. :)
The hat is a little too big. But she never complained, just hung out.
There was a fun band there and Emsleigh and Abby had the best time dancing. Abby was enthralled by the band and Emsleigh fascinated by all the other kids who just all happened to be boys :/!