Saturday, November 17, 2012

Kesed at 18 months

Playing at the park is a favorite part of the day

This kid loves to play with her food

She is finally big enough to get her own seat at the library story time.

She loves to eat....that is an avocado and that is at church

She is pretty her daddy :)

She enjoys playing by herself

She loves to sing

She has started helping in the kitchen

She always wants to wear mommy's sunglasses

Her favorite place is outside

She is learning how to pray

She is determined

She takes good care of her baby

She sleeps with her little bum in the air

If she is outside, she is picking up rocks

She doesn't like having her picture taken

and again, she loves to eat

She loves to read books

She is playful

She is adventurous

again and again, she loves to eat

This girl is super happy (when fed and rested), her little vocabulary is growing everyday and she has even started using the potty.