Saturday, January 30, 2010

jeremiah's trip to turkey

jerry got to spend two weeks in turkey on a study trip through the seminary.
here is getting a turkish haircut and shave complete with a burning of the ear hair.

he toured istanbul, the seven churches of the revelation
and several places mentioned in the book of acts and the new testament.
this is the ruins of a temple at assos.

ephesus was his favorite stop. see acts 19 for this theater.

here is cotton castle at hierapolis which was formed by the hot springs.
he didn't come home with many pictures of himself, so i like this one :)!

he mainly came home with pictures of greek inscriptions,
like the one below. this happens to be a roman mile marker.

i do have to say my husband has lead me into a deeper appreciation
of all things old and greek. i am thankful for his desire to learn the
greek and hebrew so that he can understand the first century and
more accurately preach the Word of God.
all things are better in koine, its what the scriptures really say....