Thursday, June 28, 2012

June Catch Up

I had a birthday. My dear husband bought me this wonderful machine. I have enjoyed trying different K-Cups and grinding my normal blends. I love it. Thank you J!

Emsleigh has been playing with her babies more recently. 

Kesed is always asking me to read a book to her.

Emsleigh as Rapunzel. We love the movie Tangled!

Kesed's favorite hiding spot.

Both girls always love listening to daddy play the guitar.

Our friend Eden passed down her very favorite today for the girls to play with. This little piano has been so much fun for all of us. Ems and Kesed play and sing together alot.

I find Kesed like this often.

Kesed had a rough evening a few days ago due to some new teeth. The ONLY thing that would calm this girl down was chewing on a grilled chicken leg. Whatever works, right?

Emsleigh is such a big helper, in all rooms of the house.

Kesed loves corn.

Getting my teeth cleaned is one of my favorite things to do. Dental health leads to heart health. Cleanliness is next to godliness. Anyway, you can imagine how thrilled my little heart was to watch Emsleigh get her teeth cleaned and she did great! That is my friend Bobbi. She happens to be our dental hygienist too. 

Grancy arrived June 22. Before that Emsleigh got her story times via skype.

Told you, I find her like this often.