Saturday, July 7, 2012

Some things the girls say...


"Lasterday." (about the past)

"That is my favorite EVER in the whole wide world." (about anything she likes)

"It is such a wonderful day." (every time we walk outside)

"Bednight snack"

"Best Family." (when all four of us are together)

"Let's take a bathtub."

Recently she has referred to me as "My Darling" instead of mom.



"All Done."

"Nana" (Banana)

"O's" (Cheerios)

"Ummm" (Yum)

Mama, Dada, Eeeee (Emsleigh)


Moo, Baa, Oink, Owww (Meow)

"Night, night"

She is using sign language for please and more.