Thursday, July 26, 2012

VBS - Amazing Wonders Aviation

VBS was a few weeks ago. I have always loved VBS and this year was no different. I loved it, but at the same time it was a really hard week as well. Being in ministry is difficult even in the most fun times.  

Kesed and Grancy came some nights to watch the big kids.

For those of you who know me well, know that I am musically declined, and will find it funny that I led music. However, I actually really enjoyed and had lots of fun! It was even more exciting since Jeremiah did the opening song with me :)!

Love my Monica and all the hard work she and all the other workers put into VBS!

Emsleigh loved VBS and it was fun to watch her enjoy it from a distance. 

Family Night performance is always exciting. 

One of our friends brought this jet engine for all the kids to look at on family night!