Thursday, November 21, 2013

A week with the Hamiltons

Nothing says friendship like 20 hours in the car with 4 young children across west texas at 2 am. The Hamiltons blessed our home with an incredible visit at the beginning of October. I couldn't be more thankful to have spent a week with them, especially Alora! My girls enjoyed playing cowgirls and learning how to shoot a slingshot. Jeremiah and I enjoyed the company of two of our dearest friends and Haddon, well, I think deep down he liked the fact that no one made him be a prince and dance with a princess for a whole week! 

One evening we spent at Rawhide. It was a beautiful night and we all had lots of fun, almost. I did make Emsleigh ride the burro. I can't say she liked it but by the end she wasn't crying.

Gold digging was a hit. 

Kesed was so proud of her gold. She kept telling me "I got the gold!"

Hiking, playing and eating made the week go by fast. Too fast. 

Jeremiah and Mark took Emsleigh, Hudson and Nate to the Pima Air and Space Museum. They thoroughly enjoyed their time and learned lots of fun things.

On their last day we went to the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum. This place was amazing but definitely NOT to be visited in the summer. Thankfully, we went on a cool overcast day. A tarantula crossed our walking path and coyotes were lurking in the parking lot. It was an excellent way to end out time together.