Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Kansas City Pt 1

We got to spend a week in Kansas City visiting family and friends. At the end of our flight, a man told me my kids deserved ice cream because they did so well on the plane. Jeremiah and I were really thankful for smooth travels!

Memaw made some more beautiful princess dresses and of course princess dresses call of tea parties! The girls loved playing with Memaw, chatting with Pepaw and swiping Grandma Thelma's food!

We planned our trip to coincide with some of our best friends the Watts. They live in Asia. So we don't get to see them very often. This was a special treat! We have been talking since the last time we saw each other how excited we were for the girls to play together. It was a beautiful, encouraging night. Only it left me missing Seyan and the season of fall more than ever!